All posts by TomWarrington

How to make money from your drone?

There are various ways to make money from your drone, for example Stock Photography.

This is an easy way to get yourself out there and show everyone your work. You can sign up and upload your photos to websites such as ShutterStock which allows people to purchase your photos and use them with ought any copyright issues, putting some money in your back pocket! This is a very good place to start earning money from your drone.  A lot of drone users are starting to use this type of advertisement as no one else can get as good of an angle as us drone users. Drone pictures are different and diverse to any kind of photography, getting angles people would not have been able to achieve with such ease, making them highly likely to sell!

There are also more difficult ways to make money from your drone, such as Drone Rental.

This is a more difficult one as there are some liability issues, but it is possible to do so with ought getting into much trouble it is a great way to get some extra cash! By renting your drones you can bring in £200-£500 extra in a weekend. People are always looking to hire a drone as buying one is very expensive and often an undesirable item for just a few hours.

The last way to make money would be to do advertisement for people, for example Housing Advertisement or land advertisement.

Drones are brilliant for this as they can get diverse angles and brilliant photos which help advertisement. You can charge up to £200 just for a few hours. People often need this for building developments or estate agents may need it to help the sale of a house or property, there is always room for drone advertisement if it means easier selling!

These are all the ways you can enhance profit from your drone!

Happy flying!

What are the Drone rules in the UK?

A lot of drone owners do not know the rules you MUST know before flying a drone. If you break these rules you may find yourself in a bit of trouble.

The reason for not many people knowing the rules is because people are not doing enough to get the rules out there. If you purchase a drone kit to build yourself you will not receive any information about the rules. If your lucky you may get a small piece of paper stating a small amount of the rules on how and where you can fly your drone.

Now for the rules. The rules are still evolving and could get strict or a bit more leaneant depending on how the future of accidents go involving drones. At the moment..

  • you can fly a drone if it us under 20kg and not used for commercial reasons..
  • You can not fly it within 150 metres of a congested area and 50 meters from a person, vehicle or structure that is not under control of the pilot..
  • You cannot fly your drone out of sight, meaning you cannot go above 400 feet in altitude or any more than 500 meters horizontally. If it is a wish for you to exceed these limits you will need to get explicit permission for the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority)..

There are many other risks apposed by drones for example privacy which is now becoming a further issue.. Some people have been fined £800 and been made to pay £3500 at the magistrate court after being prosecuted by the CAA for flying a drone within 50 meters of the jubilee Bridge.

Welcome to blitz drones…

We are a company based in the UK who manufacture our own drones and drone frames, a long with selling other working drones such as Bebop, Solo 3DR and various other drones.

We are on Instagram and facebook! Check us out to see our latest products such as our new action camera which is selling for as cheap as £69.99 and shoots in 4K!


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